Appeals to Divisional Court
Appeals to Divisional Court
Let NTC Reporting & Transcription Inc., help you in your appeals to Divisional Court or the Court of Appeal. We have handled many appeals from the following courts and administrative tribunals below:
Superior Court of Justice – Civil – Criminal – Small Claims Court
Landlord and Tenant Board
Immigration and Refugee Board
Professional Engineers of Ontario
Ontario Court of Justice – Criminal
Financial Services Commission of Ontario
Ontario Municipal Board Hearings
Various Health Professions Tribunals
We understand how daunting the whole appeal process can be. Your hands are already full with what you have to deal with. Let our friendly and courteous staff help guide you through the process! Give us a call with any questions you have!
Our services for all appeals include:
Accurate and Certified Transcripts
Transcripts guaranteed to be delivered on time
All Transcripts provided in proper appeal format
A Certificate of Appeal to be provided to the Divisional Court or the Court of Appeal
A free electronic version of the transcript
To order a transcript for appeal:
Please mail or upload your audio to either one of our mailing addresses on the “Contact Us” page, along with your contact information, i.e. name, address, phone number and email address. Or, give us a call and we will be glad to walk you through the whole process!